Send vouchers with a single click Reach a large number of customers Safe time and effort Attach vouchers directly
Send vouchers with a single click
Reach a large number of customers
Safe time and effort
Attach vouchers directly
How it works
Select the language and the desired voucher type for the invitation.
Note: This selection will apply to all addressees of your mailing. If you wish to send invitations in different languages or for other voucher types, please generate separate mailings.
Upload an Excel spreadsheet (format: .xls or .xlsx) with the addressees’ details.
Please note the following
for the format of the mailing: The first column includes the visitor’s complete details, “Dear Mr. John Doe”, the second column contains the visitor’s email address "".
for the addressee: To avoid duplicates, only one voucher can be sent per email address. Please create separate mailings, if you wish to send more than one voucher type to the same email address.
Now you can check your selection before sending it.
The preview shows your mailing the way your addressees will receive it. Start the mailing by clicking the button “Send Visitor Invitations”.
Once your mailings have successfully been sent, you will receive an evaluation of the sending process as well as an exemplary invitation.
Our service for you: Pay only vouchers that were actually used as admission tickets.